
What does it mean to be a women-only collective?

The organizers of ‘shes on edge’ recognize the importance of having women-only spaces to grow through shared experience. The organizers also recognize that this women’s group explicitly welcomes and embraces all LGBQ and T women at our events and meetups. Any attendee who shows discriminatory or aggressive behavior will be removed from all ‘shes on edge’ meetups/networks at the organizers' discretion.

Do I need to know how to skate to come to a She Rolls meetup?  

You don’t have to be good, but you do have to roll! We suggest that you are able to cruise comfortably on some form of wheels — whether that’s a skateboard, roller skates, blades, a bike, or an electric-blue razor scooter from 2001 is up to you.

Do I need to know how to surf to come to a surf meetup?  

No! It’s totally fine to just come and hang. We do recommend that beginner and first-time surfers get a lesson and/or have some foundational skills and safety knowledge prior to surfing at one of our meetups. For more details on how to kickstart your surfing journey, join our Facebook group and check out our pinned posts.

Can I come to a surf meetup if I don’t have a board? 

If you want to surf, but don't have a board, there are plenty of rental shops on Folly — shoot us a DM for recs. 

Do I have to be good at surfing or skating to come to a Wedgie meetup? 

Listen up… and we can’t stress this enough… YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE GOOD TO COME TO OUR STUFF! We get dumped, slammed, and dusted just about every time we go out. That’s the nature of the beast — and we’re here for it.

Is there an age requirement to be a Wedgie? 

No! Our collective welcomes all ladies of all ages. We have gals from 8-80 — teens, college queens, mamas, and grandmamas. (Parent permission required for participants under 18)

How much does it cost to be a Wedgie? 

It’s FREE! Luckily most of our programs are low/no cost. Contact us if you are looking for ways to support your local Wedgie

Where is the contest shack/judges box? 

The contest shack is at The Washout (not the restaurant) around 15th block east on Folly Beach. 

Does your group hate men?

No. Many of us love men very very much. It is important to know that when we talk about dismantling the patriarchy, we are not singling men out, or trying to put men beneath us. We aren’t saying that all men have done something inherently wrong just for being born a boy. In fact, at ‘shes on edge’ we like to believe that most men (and everyone else for that matter) have good intentions and want to be and do good. The patriarchy is about the system, not the individuals. Dismantling the patriarchy means equal opportunity regardless of gender identity or expression. 

What is the patriarchy? 

At its core, the patriarchy is an arbitrary, gender-based power structure. America’s capitalist society was built for and by (white) men. And when a system is not built for you, it likely will not serve you. We all play a role in upholding the patriarchy — and the first step to challenging it, is to understand it. 

The effects of the patriarchy show up in every aspect of our culture. We see it in politics, economics, religion, STEM, the media, consumerism, and sports. Things like food security, access to education, safe neighborhoods, living wages, and medical care all have more dire consequences for women than men. The patriarchy may look like the investing gap or simply getting burned in the lineup. The list of patriarchal outcomes can range from daily annoyances, to disrespect, to disadvantages, to downright abuse. 

While this may not be true for each individual, as a whole, our society views women as weak, highly emotional, and incapable. Women are objectified and sexualized while in the same breath chastised for being overly sexual. This is one of a multitude of other contradicting expectations.  

Living in a patriarchal society is existing in a community where our inherent value and expectations are determined by people who are not ourselves. It is important to note that non-white, non-straight, non-cisgendered women experience the consequences of these arbitrary expectations in ways that are far harsher and more harmful. 

To deny the patriarchy exists is to deny that Folly Beach is in South Carolina. Whether you decide it needs to be dismantled, well, that's up to you.

Where is the secret spot for full moon surfs? 

DM us, find out, tell no one.