how it started

In August of 2022, the women of Folly Beach came together to "Paddle Against The Patriarchy." In a political environment where our rights were being stripped from us, we needed to show up for each other, and we did. We circled up in the water, we talked, and we listened. While we listened, we learned that in order to start reclaiming our bodily autonomy, we needed to work together. To love and respect our bodies. To decenter romantic love and find platonic soulmates. To recognize we deserve pleasure. To be honest and open about womanhood and everything that comes with it. To squash comparison and jealousy and instead look to one another as inspiration and in awe. 

As women brought together by the ocean, we know that surfing with other women addresses so many of our needs for autonomy; but surfing hasn't always been for everybody. A traditionally “gatekeepy” sport, entering the surf and skate community can be an intimidating leap. From where you surf, to what you ride, to the T-shirt on your back, practised surfers can tell you — cool or not.

While sometimes overwhelming, surfing rules and traditions are rooted in things we care about; safety, community, and respect. 'shes on edge's' goal is to honor and teach these core values while fostering a safe space to ask questions, to learn, and to wipe out (a lot). 

At ‘shes on edge’, what’s cool is showing up, being open to learning, and taking that leap. 

'shes on edge' stands for the women on The Edge of America, working toward walking to the edge of their boards, who might be feeling a little on edge about the state of the world right now.

  • Nadia Klincewicz

     Blue Crush wannabe CofC grad, learned to surf in 2011 and has since traveled the world only to get skunked and end back up on Folly Beach. 

  • Liz Wolfe

    This Pennsyltucky Pisces made her way down to the Edge of America in 2016 and has been slinging surfboards, sitting in the lineup, and obsessively checking Surfline ever since.

a letter from the organizers

To the Wedgies,

‘shes on edge’ would not be possible without you and all of the amazing women in our surf and skate community. Y’all continue to show up and inspire us with your willingness to be vulnerable, knowledgeable, and kind.

Just like you, we show up to learn. As surfers we know, no matter how good you are, you are always a learner. Jumping into the skating world is new and scary for us too. We are by no means perfect surfers or skaters, but perfection isn’t what we’re here for. Through our shared desire to build skills and community, we get to witness the power, beauty, and strength of women — and that is everything to us. 

So cheers to the Wedgies — to always having a shoulder to cry on, to never being bored, and to laughing through every fall. We thank the ladies who have shaped the Folly surf and skate scene over the last 60 years and to those who are shaping its future. We owe this all to you. 


Nadia & Liz